FeaturesResearch HighlightThe Impact of Gas Fireplace Operation on Winter Energy Consumption and House Temperatures Can you save money by heating your house with your gas fireplace? Recent tests and analysis performed at the Canadian Centre for Housing Technology (CCHT) looked at the interactions between the gas fireplace and gas furnace in the CCHT test facility and found that fireplace operation may, in certain circumstances, result in higher energy consumption, and colder rooms. The increased energy used was due in part to the fact that the operation of the lower efficiency gas fireplace reduced the call for heat from the higher efficiency gas furnace resulting in overall higher gas consumption. Also less heat was circulated throughout the house. About Your HouseCarbon Monoxide Dangerous levels of carbon monoxide (CO) can exist inside a home from any number of possible causes including fireplace problems and excessive car exhaust fumes from an attached garage. This reference sheet for homeowners, tenants and landlords, reviews how carbon monoxide is produced and how to prevent it from entering a home. You'll also receive advice on how to purchase, install and use a carbon monoxide detector which is recommended as a way to monitor CO emissions and is mandatory in some jurisdictions. EQuilibrium™ HousingEQuilibrium™ Housing Insight — ÉcoTerra™ Building-Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal System ÉcoTerra™ is a new, two-story detached home built in a wooded area in the Mont Orford area of Eastman, Québec. Built under CMHC's EQuilibrium™ Sustainable Housing Demonstration Initiative, one of the novel features of ÉcoTerra™, is its building-integrated photovoltaic thermal energy (BIPV/T) system. CMHC at LargeLive Webcasts — National Housing Research Committee (NHRC) You are cordially invited to register for the webcasts of the fall 2011 session of the National Housing Research Committee, which will be broadcast live over the internet on Monday, November 7 to Tuesday, November 8, 2011 in both official languages. The NHRC session continues to be Canada's premier venue to keep abreast of our nation's most recent housing research. Please register in advance. Trends in Housing Conditions for Immigrant Households An excerpt from the Spring 2011 National Housing Research Committee Newsletter on housing conditions of immigrant households in Canada based on custom data from the 2006 Census. Research Highlights — RSS Feeds Keep up to date by subscribing to our RSS feeds. RSS feeds allow you to access the content that you want, the way you want. What is RSS? Events and Items of InterestHousing Outlook Conferences CMHC's Housing Outlook Conferences offer access to timely, reliable and unbiased housing market information. Don't miss a conference near you. Ottawa — November 10, 2011 Vancouver — November 16, 2011 Québec — November 16, 2011 Montreal — November 22, 2011 Edmonton — November 24, 2011 Calgary — November 29, 2011 Victoria — November 29, 2011 BC Non-Profit Housing Association Annual Conference November 21 to 23, 2011 Richmond, British Columbia Mark your calendar and plan to attend BC Non-Profit Housing Association's 19th Annual Conference: Sustaining the Non-Profit Housing Sector — Create, Lead, Succeed. This year's conference offers 65 educational workshops, guest speakers, trade show exhibits, dozens of networking opportunities, social events and more! The keynote speaker, Saul Ramirez Jr., CEO of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials, will draw on his broad experience in housing and development and provide an introduction to this year's conference theme of sustainability. Find out what is new and upcoming with CMHC, visit our Events Calendar. To find out what is going on in the industry, see the list of other Housing-Related Events and Conferences. |
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