Research Highlight
Comparing Canadian New Urbanist and Conventional Suburban Neighbourhoods (Updated) This study explores travel and social behaviour differences between selected new urbanist and conventional suburban neighbourhoods in Canada. The four new urbanist developments selected for this study were: Bois Franc in Montréal, Cornell in Markham, Garrison Woods and McKenzie Towne in Calgary. The updated text describes the data analysis and results on the influence of self-selection bias on the travel behaviour of the households from the original study. About Your House
Accessible Housing by Design — Fire Safety for You and Your Home This About Your House provides tips on how to plan for fire and emergency situations in your home. It presents many quick and easy steps that you can take to prevent fires in your home and advises on measures to be taken to prepare your household including those with mobility or cognitive limitations, to respond to a fire or emergency if either should happen. Information is provided on how to plan safe evacuation strategies and designate accessible evacuation routes which are flat, stable and have no stairs or steps and are easy to use for people with activity limitations. Energy Efficiency Building Envelope Retrofits
Exterior Retrofit for 1960s and 1970s Two-Storey Houses >75% Space Heating Energy Savings This publication describes air-sealing and exterior insulation retrofit options to achieve the targeted space heating energy savings in a typical 1960s and 1970s two-storey house. It also discusses the many technical considerations to keep in mind in the planning of the retrofit project and general precautions. | CMHC At Large
Research Highlights — RSS Feeds Keep up to date by subscribing to our RSS feeds. RSS feeds allow you to access the content that you want, the way you want. What is RSS? A CMHC Ontario Region Initiative - Excellence in Education Award for Promotion of Sustainable Practices CMHC's Ontario Regional Business Centre is accepting nominations for its 2013 Excellence in Education Award for Promotion of Sustainable Practices by Ontario educators. The award honours secondary and post-secondary educators who have contributed to higher standards in education by integrating sustainable concepts into their academic curriculum. This includes sustainable practices in the fields of architecture, planning, landscape architecture, urban design, geography, engineering, and environmental studies. Deadline for submitting nominations is May 31, 2013. Affordable Housing Centre – E-Notification Stay up-to-date with what's happening in the field of Affordable Housing! Receive a monthly e-notice that highlights information on tools, web forums, financial assistance, and success stories. Events and Items of Interest
TRIECA 2013 Conference March 26 & 27, 2013 Markham, ON Hosted by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and Great Lakes Chapter of the International Erosion Control Association, this conference will feature a CMHC presentation on EQuilibriumTM Communities projects, focussing on their water-sensitive urban design features and lessons learned. The session will also include a presentation on an EQuilibriumTM Communities-funded performance monitoring study on stormwater bioretention projects across Canada. Canadian Housing & Renewal Association Annual Congress April 30 – May 3, 2013 Ottawa, Ontario 16th Annual Alberta Sustainable Building Symposium May 7, 2013 Edmonton, Alberta |